Eleven anti gay meme

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Some have suggested the campaign, which coincides with Pride Month, was an 'inside joke' within the LGBT community, based on the premise that Brown would never behave in such a homophobic way. In reality, the Emmy nominated actress is a vocal anti-bullying campaigner and active supporter of LGBTQ+ rights.įans have jumped to her aid, calling society 'messed up' and saying homophobia is 'not something to joke about'. When her handle is typed into the Twitter search box, a blue page now appears with the message: 'Sorry, that page doesn't exist!'Ī second account, set up by Brown last summer to tackle bullying is still active, as is her Instagram account which has nearly 17 million followers.

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The British star now appears to have deactivated her verified account which had nearly 2.3 million followers. Another shows a picture of Brown looking out of a car window with the caption 'Looking away from all the gay f**s xoxo'.

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